The Time to Get a Clean Slate Has Finally Arrived - Seal up to Two New York Criminal Convictions Under New Law
New York State recently passed a new law (CPL Section 160.59) that makes it now possible for many people to get up to two criminal convictions, including one felony, sealed. This exciting new law transforms New York from one of the most unforgiving of states in terms of convictions to one of the more forgiving.
As a general rule, you are eligible if
You have no more than two prior convictions.
Your convictions are non violent, non sex offenses
You have been out of trouble for at least 10 years
It is more complicated than that, but if this sounds about right to you, give me a call and I can help you verify your eligibility and then prepare the motion to get your clean record back.
James Shalley, can work with you to clear your criminal record.
Call or Text Now to Find out if you are eligible to clear your conviction record
Call us at 914-276-2585
Text us at 347-612-9830
Texting is often a fantastic way to get in touch with me the fastest. I am often in Court and can't answer phone calls or respond to voicemail messages, but I can often access and respond to text messages.